The Beginning of this Journey...

The Lord began this journey towards our second adoption about 1 year ago. He put on our hearts to sponsor Kay - at Harmony Outreach and we did. When i first saw her, i fell in love with her and prayed for her to join our family. It wasn't until May 2008 that the Lord began to use her to open our hearts to adoption again. That was when we had John Bentley from Harmony Outreach (her foster program) staying with us and he told us that Kay was ready to be adopted internationally. We prayed about her and began the adoption process again. Unfortunately, it wasn't in God's plan for her to join our family but He did use her to open our hearts up to adoption again and we are excited to see where He takes us. We are Trusting in Him.

The Lord has brought Maylynn into our lives and hearts on Nov. 21st (that is when we received her referral). We are excited to see Him bring her home to us. Please pray for the rest of our journey. We can't wait to bring Maylynn home...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

2 Month update...

Not sure if i'll remember to update this monthly etc. but it just so happens that 2 months ago from today is when we got Maylynn...

I am just amazed at how well she is doing! She has definately captured everyone's heart that has met her. Her smile lights up her face and her cheeks are so unbelievably kissable it's hard to stop kissing her once i've started:) Her hugs are so strong and she is so much fun to cuddle with:) She is very good at repeating EVERYTHING you say - (many times it is not clear but the tones etc. are there) It's so funny - i am trying to teach her many different phrases that are common when first meeting someone - she has "hi" down and "byebye" but i am working on her answering "How old are you?" - well, she just repeats me "how old are you" it's quite funny b/c then i'm trying to explain to her no no no - I say this... and you say this... it is only when i am able to do the same thing with Hayleigh that she kind of understands what she is supposed to do. Hayleigh has been such a good teacher (and bad at times - teaching her bad things - like today she taught her how to stick her tongue out at you if you don't like something - not sure where Hayleigh learned that but i am hoping to nip that in the bud asap!) And when we are trying to holler down to someone to do something etc... sure enough Maylynn is hollering the same thing and no one is able to hear or understand b/c her little voice is interupting etc... it's quite the scene:)
The girls are now separated for sleeping... we started to separate for naps a few weeks ago and that worked wonderfully! they were waking each other up and i could never get to the bottom of it as to who was waking up who! Now Hayleigh is sleeping in Brayden's top bunk at night time as well - they would talk constitanly and keep each other up until we went to bed at 10pm! This new arrangement is working out much better for everyone so far. We do have some space in our basement to finish a room if we need to but not sure where we will but the storage stuff that takes up that space - maybe we can hold off until next spring...
Just as easily as her smile lights up her face, she also has quite the pouter lip! It is rather pathetic and she really "works" it when we are around grandparents and friends! We have been just ingnoring it b/c it seems she is mostly doing it for attention - and she does get it from everyone - i should try to get a pic sometime - it is quite the lip!
She doesn't clean her plate anymore - many times now she will just eat what she likes and then says that she is done and expects to get up and leave the table - sometimes she gets upset but we haver her stay until we are finished or she has eaten a bit more for it to be considered her "meal" :)
She's had her hearing checked and that seems okay but 1 ear had fluid so we are waiting to get that one rechecked -i think?? Her eyes appt. went as good as it could considering her language abilities and her Thyroid tests came back okay. We just have to get her TB test this week at the health dept. and another round of shots on Friday...

Copied and pasted from The Vickerman Family Happenings (Posted on Sept.10)

The girls continue to act like sisters - I think Hayleigh still wishes that she was the only princess here sometimes. We are trying to "catch" Hayleigh being good and reward her for doing nice things, playing nicely etc... "Be nice" is the phrase in our house lately:) I really think that Hayleighs special time at preschool and gymnastics will be the very best thing for her - Maylynn was sure happy to see Hayleigh at the end of H. first day of preschool - it was so sweet and i could see that H. was a bit surprised to get all of the hugs from M.:) Maylynn is still learning the ropes but she is sure catching on. Her receptive language seems to be very good! I asked her in english where many of her body parts are and she did a GREAT job pointing to them! She was very pleased too:) She is such a sweet heart - we just love her so much! Tuesday she had a Dr. appt with a plastic surgeon to look at her cleft palate. He said that it looks repaired but a little short - so that is why she sounds so nasaly and will need speech therapy. He said that when she is much older, she'd probably have another surgery but nothing for a while. Since we were in Richland, we headed next door to the hospital to have MORE BLOOD drawn! I did not want to do it and almost didn't!! But, we did... and she cried her little heart out again for the 3rd time! this time she cried for Brayden - so sweet:) When we got home, as soon as she saw Lance - her lip drooped down and she held out her little owie - she did this routine for everyone in the family - it was quite the show:) Everyone was gracious to her and felt sorry for her:) lol:) Get this though! We got a phone call tonight that we have to have MORE BLOOD DRAWN AGAIN!!!! Apparantly a thyroid test that we just had done - one was pos. and one was neg. so - she has to get another! ugh!!!


Still Waters said...

So amazing what just a couple months will do for a child! She looks SO happy and up to normal child-like anticks!! Michaela had the cutest pouting lip too. Very nice to have a picture of and then nip it in the bud! ;o) Love the family picture on your other blog! Very sweet!

Mel said...

Thanks for the updates Kirsten...they are great. I'll have to find out what doc you took her to for cleft? We just got our PA so now we are on the clocks. So glad the adjustment home is going well. I hope I can make coffee time soon...would love to catch up.