The Beginning of this Journey...

The Lord began this journey towards our second adoption about 1 year ago. He put on our hearts to sponsor Kay - at Harmony Outreach and we did. When i first saw her, i fell in love with her and prayed for her to join our family. It wasn't until May 2008 that the Lord began to use her to open our hearts to adoption again. That was when we had John Bentley from Harmony Outreach (her foster program) staying with us and he told us that Kay was ready to be adopted internationally. We prayed about her and began the adoption process again. Unfortunately, it wasn't in God's plan for her to join our family but He did use her to open our hearts up to adoption again and we are excited to see where He takes us. We are Trusting in Him.

The Lord has brought Maylynn into our lives and hearts on Nov. 21st (that is when we received her referral). We are excited to see Him bring her home to us. Please pray for the rest of our journey. We can't wait to bring Maylynn home...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Kay's Orphanage is coming to get her...

On Friday, we also found out from Harmony Outreach that Kay's orphanage (where she was originally placed in) will be picking her up on Oct. 27th to take her back there so she can be adopted to her family on Nov. 10th. Harmony tried really hard to talk them into waiting until after i came but they insisted on the 27th.

At first i was really sad - i am still dissappointed that i will never be able to meet the precious little girl that we wanted and tried to adopt into our family. We know now that God used her to get us to this place in our lives - for us to adopt again. To trust Him and to have faith that His plan will be revealed soon.

After praying about not meeting her, i have come to realize that the Lord doesn't want me to be distracted while i am on this journey. He has waited 3 years to send me on this trip. He wants me to be able to focus on the work that He has planned for me and to be able to do it whole heartedly. ----- I do have a friend here that happens to be adopting from the same agency as Kay's family and will more than likely be meeting up with her and her family at the White Swan. So, i am praying that they will be able to meet and give Kay's family our contact information:)

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